Law Review International Journal of Law and Jurisprudence Open Source Online Publication Edited by the Union of Jurists of Romania and Universul Juridic Publishing House e-ISSN 2246-9435
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  • Scientific Life

An analytical overview on the virtual environmental crime

Nasty Vladoiu

Informational society represents a new stage of human civilization, a new way of life, that involves intensive use of information in all the aspects of human existence and activities, with a significant economic and social impact.
Although the idea of cybercrime is not new, the national legislator still faces serious regulatory issues of legislative instruments, able to assist in the prevention, detection and prosecution of those who commit crimes in the ‘Virtual’ environment. In this article, we have tried to outline the issues of criminality in the virtual environment, hightlighting the need for a legislative framework in complete agreement with the extent of the criminal phenomenon on the Internet, the technological development and the social requirements concerning the protection of citizens against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism favored by the
use of online information transmission.