Law Review International Journal of Law and Jurisprudence Open Source Online Publication Edited by the Union of Jurists of Romania and Universul Juridic Publishing House e-ISSN 2246-9435
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  • Scientific Life

Gotovina case - an unjust charge or a deliberately erroneous judgment of the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia?

Liviu Alexandru Lascu

This article aims to analyze a recent and controversial decision of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, on November 16, 2012, which acquitted two Croatian generals, famous personalities of the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, who had been tried for perpetrating several war crimes and crimes against humanity by participating to a joint criminal enterprise and for their responsibility as commanders for the criminal acts perpetrated by their subordinates. The Trial Chamber’s judgment which condemned these defendants was entirely overturned in a very surprising way, through Appeals Chamber doing a very original interpretation of some legal concepts on which, there was already crystallized a constant jurisprudence of this court.