The migration crisis of 2015 brought this topic and related challenges to the top of the political agenda at EU and Member State level. At that time, a series of measures were taken by implementing a number of immediate and long-term initiatives aimed at stabilizing the situation. Among these measures two relocation Decisions were lunched, which established the obligation to relocate a number of 160,000 persons in need of international protection by the Member States, with a deadline of September 2017. Currently, although the figures are not higher to the values at the beginning of the crisis, still some EU Member States on migration routes are frequently confronted with events that require the rescue of people trying to cross the sea as a result of search and rescue operations. These situations subsequently result in requests from the European Commission to the other Member States to take over a number of persons in need of international protection. In this context, in order to ensure the application of the principles of solidarity and responsibility and to support the states affected by large flows of migrants through an easier mechanism and given the fact that, at European level, there is currently no legal basis of direct applicability for relocation of persons landed as a result of search and rescue operations, the European Commission proposes and launches a series of transfer mechanisms to the EU Member States to be analyzed in this article.
European Union Law
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