Law Review International Journal of Law and Jurisprudence Open Source Online Publication Edited by the Union of Jurists of Romania and Universul Juridic Publishing House e-ISSN 2246-9435
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The aggression of elective autocracy over parliamentary democracy*

Ioan Alexandru


We must admit that Democracy is one of the words that started to lose their initial meaning due to the over - use within the political language and not only there, and thus we might say that many times has it become an empty word, almost meaningless. It is enough to follow, within mass media, one the one hand, the manner of parliamentary activities and, on the other hand, to notice the important and frequent protests all around the world, but more often in Europe and Latin America, by means of which one quest ions their activity and that of the governments and where one can see special police forces, Molotov cocktails, tear gas and all other repressive materials. To easily understand what is going on, I have analyzed the concept of democracy by opposition to other three concepts of dichotomic political regimes: autocracy, dictatorship, communism and fundamentalism.