Bulgarian Competition Law has as aim to protect and foster competition and free enterprise in economic activity. Over the years the law was repeatedly changed by the legislature to meet the requirements of economic life. Bulgarian Competition law provides protection against agreements, decisions and concerted practices, abuse of monopolistic and dominant and all other acts and actions that can lead to the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition in the country and affect trade between member states the European Union as well as unfair competition. The Competition Act in Bulgaria contains the general provisions for ensuring that the manufacturing and the distribution of services within the country’s territory takes place in a manner in which all market participants observe the basic requirements for lawful domestic competition. The Act protects against unjust competition and monopolistic activities and sets forth the conditions for the existence of the Commission for the Protection of Competition, an autonomous institution in the country.
European Union Law
Administrative practices as an infringement of the law of the European Union
Overview on the criminal justice system in Bulgaria. Comparative law. A Bird’s Eye View
The profession of legal advisor in european countries
Legal regime of competition in Slovenia
International Law
Ruscism – A threat to international legal order and the security of all humanity