Law Review International Journal of Law and Jurisprudence Open Source Online Publication Edited by the Union of Jurists of Romania and Universul Juridic Publishing House e-ISSN 2246-9435
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The profession of legal advisor in european countries

Mergeane Naciu-Costin

Vlad Barbu

Ionuţ Iordache

The totality of organizational patterns for professions of a liberal nature that belong to the legal branch in Europe are similar, motivated by the fact that they represent intellectual activities of a professional nature, aimed at protecting rights, being an integral part of the principle of priority application of the law, a principle that belongs to democracy. Jobs in the legal field, more precisely their exercise, are based on direct and personal relationships with  the client. Among the liberal professions belonging to the legal field, among the most important are those of lawyer and notary, as well as that of legal advisor. Considering the obvious similarities between lawyers and legal advisers in terms of the practice of the profession, we will try in this article to show some aspects regarding the role that lawyers and jurists have in the legislative structures of several European countries.